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Monday, June 9, 2014

Apartments Condos and Homes Rentals for Renting

           Apartments Condos and Homes Rentals for Renting

These Tips Will Help You Know The Timeline For Buying a Home
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Don_Cramer/564755]Don Cramer

You are thinking about buying a home and you are very confused about what you're supposed to do and when you're supposed to do it. The timeline may be hard to figure out and can vary from buyer to buyer depending on the market and the situation of each buyer. The process of buying a home can take anywhere from a few weeks to four months or more. The tips below will help you in the home buying process.

Make a list of tasks that you need to complete during your home buying process. The list should include everything from educating yourself about the transactions to searching for a home clear up to the closing. You will use your check list from the start of searching for a home to the very end, the closing.

You should always be pre-approved for a mortgage, and not just pre-qualified. When you are pre-approved your offer on a home is taken more seriously by of the seller. When a lender or mortgage broker gives you a pre-qualification, this is nothing more than saying that you are qualified based on information of your employment, income and expenses. When a lender or mortgage broker gives you a pre-approval letter you also go through a verification process which will include a credit check, and verify that your information that you've given is accurate. With this process you have a better idea of your price ranges that will fit within your budget and what you can afford and payments. Checking around for a good lender is very important because not all lenders are the same. Ask your family or friends that you trust that can help you find a good lender or mortgage broker.

A lot of people like to search for homes on their own by using the Internet and other resources that are available. If you prefer to use a real estate agent to assist you in searching for home, talking to friends and family for references of a good agent may be helpful in helping you locate the agent that is right for you. Having a good agent that knows exactly what you're looking for is very important.

When you start searching for that dream home make sure you have a list of all features and things you need in and around the home. Make sure your list includes the things you have to have and a list of things that would be nice but not necessarily needed. Not very often will you find that perfect home. There will be trade-offs in most cases. Because the current multiple listing services are set up the way they are, a real estate agent will be able to find homes that are within your criteria.

When you have finally found the home you wish to purchase, sit down with your real estate agent and put an offer together that a seller will consider. When your offer is accepted the things you need to start thinking about is the inspections and closing.

I have seen many buyers over the years that just did not want to spend the money on any inspections, and after a short time of them buying the home some serious problems showed up. Make sure that you do not overlook getting a home inspection, termite inspection or any other inspections that a real estate agent recommends. The lender will arrange for a home appraisal and will help to coordinate the closing with your agent and title company.

Before the closing is done you need to purchase home insurance and give proof of the policy to the lender before the closing with the date that the insurance will take effect be the actual closing date.

You need to start getting yourself ready to move, and if you are going to hire a company to move you, then you need to make your needed arrangements with the company. No matter which way you're planning to move you need to make sure that you have all your packing material ready and any reservations you need to set up completed. If you have children that are in school you need to start the transfer or registration process with the school.

Make sure you do a change of address with the Post Office and that all your mail is forwarded to your new address. Make arrangements to have all your utilities turned on at your new home or if you are dealing with the same utilities companies that you were using at your old home, just request that all services be transfer to your new home. The seller and buyer need to inform the utility companies that the utilities are being put in someone else's name.

If you plan on having a moving company move you it is very important for you to get a confirmation of the date and time that the move will take place. It is also very important to check with your lender to make sure everything is ready to go with the mortgage.

Closing day and more likely you are just a little stressed out wondering if everything is okay and ready to close. Before the closing the lender, the settlement agent, or real estate agent will let you know the amount of the funds that you need to bring to closing. If you have not heard from any of them three days prior to closing, especially if you're doing a wire transfer, you need to get in contact with any of them to find out what down payment and closing costs are due at closing. If you are going to bring your down payment and closing costs to the closing, make sure you use a cashiers check or bank check because personal checks are not accepted.

This is just a general guideline for buying a home timeline.

As a real estate broker I have seen many buyers over the years having trouble figuring out what to do and when to do it when buying a home. For more information on buying a home visit our website at: [http://www.bestchoicerealty.net/]http://www.bestchoicerealty.net/. You can also visit our, e-books and more page, and find our, "How To Guide - Buying A Home", and other great resources to help you with any of your real estate needs.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?These-Tips-Will-Help-You-Know-The-Timeline-For-Buying-a-Home&id=5393762] These Tips Will Help You Know The Timeline For Buying a Home

The New Rule For Buying a Home - Using Owner Financing
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tom_Bukacek/222038]Tom Bukacek

The American Dream; what does it mean to you? People have different jobs or hobbies or passions in life, but one constant remains the same among all of us, and this common thread that unites our dreams is that of Home Ownership! Unfortunately, in this current economy, achieving the dream of home ownership is becoming more difficult than any time in recent history. Too many Americans are following the unwritten rule of home ownership that tells us to 'Find a Realtor and Get a Bank Loan'. In past economies, with thriving job markets, lower inflation, and less credit restraint, that 'rule' may have made sense to follow.

But our current economic system is making it difficult for the average person to achieve the American Dream of Home Ownership. In times of unstable job markets, with double digit unemployment forcing people to become self-employed to make a living, the banks are requiring a W-2 stable job history in order to issue loans. In times of a great credit crisis, the banks are requiring stricter credit scores than most people are able to achieve. Fewer and fewer honest, hard working Americans who are used to following the 'traditional rules' for owning a home are having the opportunity to own their own homes.

What if you could achieve the American Dream of Home Ownership without the assistance of a bank?

The purpose of this document is to allow motivated home seekers an opportunity to write a New Rule of Home Ownership that allows you to declare your freedom from the services of a Bank in order to partake in your piece of the American Dream of Home Ownership!

In order to understand the New Rule of Home Ownership, let's take a closer look at the existing rules of purchasing a house with Traditional Bank Financing.

The first part of the Traditional Bank Financing focuses on Qualifying for a Loan. While many different loan packages exist, the most common loan written in today's market is an FHA Loan, and therefore, we shall use their guidelines as an example. The following are guidelines for an FHA Loan:

o FHA Loans require a minimum credit score of 620 to be eligible for a loan
o FHA will require 3.5% down on the home. This down payment MUST come from your account. You are not allowed to borrow from friends, family or anyone else. You must document where the funds for the down payment came from. Specifically, the source of the down payment must be from your personal checking, savings or retirement account and CAN NOT be borrowed!

In order to work with most Realtors, you must first get pre-approved for a bank. Many Realtors won't even show you a house unless you can prove that you are able to afford and receive financing for the property. This painful process of pre-approval from a bank can take 2-3 days and involve the following steps:

o Proof of Creditworthiness
o You must provide 2-4 years worth of tax returns!
o You must provide your last 4 pay check stubs if you are an employee or an updated Profit and Loss statement if you are self-employed, a business owner, an independent contractor or entrepreneur. However, if you cannot show a consistent pay stub as proof of income, then you may want to skip ahead to the part of this document where 'Owner Financing' is discussed, as you will find it increasingly difficult to qualify for a mortgage.
o Your bank may require you pay off other debit to help improve your credit score to qualify for the loan
o And the worst part... this proof of creditworthiness is done throughout the entire home buying process! Even once you qualify and pick out the home of your dreams; underwriters at the bank will have you go through the same process to make sure you still qualify.

Now that you are pre-qualified for the home of your dreams, you may finally begin the process of working with a Realtor to find your new home.

Once you've found your home, the Traditional Banks will want an inspection performed on the home and may require the seller to fix EVERYTHING for the bank to finance your loan. Some people just want a small discount on the house and they will do their own repairs however, many times a traditional bank will not allow you to do this! These small fixes may add to the total price of the house.

Also, expect to pay Realtor fees, bank fees, filling fees, "point buy down" fees, loan origination fees, closing costs, title fees, surveys, appraisal fees, and anything else imaginable for which to be charged. Though many of these fees can be rolled into your loan, over the long term, you may be paying an extra 10% in unnecessary Financing Fees that are loaded into your loan!

What if there was a quicker, easier, and less intrusive way to take your share of the American Dream? What if you could look at homes without having to pay a Realtor fee, pre-qualify for a loan, and go through a 3 month home buying process? After all, we ARE in a BUYER'S market in Real Estate, so why shouldn't we be able to buy?

Consider the possibility of declaring a New Rule. Instead of working with (and paying for) a Realtor, why not work with the Seller directly? Especially if that seller is a Professional Real Estate Investor who is not only willing to sell the house in a quick and simple matter, but is also will to FINANCE the sale of the house on a short-term basis!

Earlier in this eBook, we went over the process of the Tradition Bank Financing. Now, we shall detail the 7 Easy Steps of Purchasing Your Home with Owner Financing:
* Contact the Seller of the Home without having to pre-qualify for a loan and look at the home to decide if you want to purchase.
* Settle on a price
* Agree to a down-payment and interest rate
* Once you've agreed to a price, down payment, and interest rate, complete a Deposit to Hold form and pay this 1% fee applicable to the sales price of the property. This fee will take the property off the market while you are closing on the home.
* Fill out credit application; provide 2 most recent paycheck stubs and bank statements as proof that you can afford the monthly payment.
* (Optional) If you chose, you can order your own home inspection to review the condition of the home
* Close in 2-5 business days

Buying a home from a Professional Real Estate Investor is quick and easy. Once you have settled on the price and monthly payments, you have minimal paperwork to complete and can close on the transaction within one week! The following is a summary of some of the benefits of Owner Financing compared with Traditional Bank Financing:
* In many cases, there is no minimum credit score required
* Instead of 10% Traditional Bank Finance Fees / Closing Costs, your Owner Finance Fee averages to 5% of the transaction.
* Unlike Traditional Bank Financing, your down payment for Owner Financing may come from almost anywhere (as long as it is a legal way to raise the funds). You can borrow the money from family, friends, others. There are also some tax incentives for you to use part of your retirement savings. Either way, with Owner Financing, you are allowed to raise your own down payment as you see fit!
* You and the Owner Finance Seller will agree on a time to "close" on the home and may close within 5 business days!
* Your Owner Finance loan is dependent on your down payment and ability to pay the monthly payment and NOT on your credit or having a W-2 Job. Therefore, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Independent Contractors, and the Self-Employed may qualify for Owner Financed Homes!
* You are not required to provide extensive documentation to obtain your loan

Due to the efficiency, simplicity, and cost effectiveness, you can see why buying directly from an investor with Owner Financing is the New Rule for Buying Homes. Owner Financing interest rates may be a little higher than market price when you initially purchase your home, however, this higher rate, along with a sizeable down payment, will actually help you obtain conventional financing at a lower rate down the road when you decide to refinance!

A good way to look at Owner Financing is that is a solution to buying a home with short-term financing. Once you have paid your Owner Financed note on time for say 12-24 months, it's easier to refinance your existing note with a traditional bank loan at a lower interest. It's much quicker, easier, and less intrusive to refinance a home into traditional financing then it is to purchase a home with traditional financing!

The following example will detail the process and the costs of owner financing:

o John chooses to purchase a beautiful home for $150,000 with a traditional bank loan. John's credit score is 590 and the bank will not loan him any money until his credit score is at least 620. John understands the importance of owning a home and wants to buy something now.
o John finds a home that is being offered for $150,000 with Owner Financing. John has $15,000 to put down and wants to close in 5 business days. John's new loan is at an 8.5% rate for 30 years and the sellers would like John to refinance his loan in 24-36 months. John's monthly payment is $1,350 and it includes Principle, Interest, Insurance, and HOA fees. John is happy because he can afford $1,350 per month and is able to take his part of the American Dream!
o As John pays on time for, say, 24 months, John has an excellent payment history with his current lender. John will also need to be working on his credit in those 24 months to raise his score to the current minimum of 620.
o When John approaches a traditional bank John will be able to demonstrate the following:
o John's $15,000 down payment shows that he has 'skin in the game' and is not just going to bail on his house payments
o John CAN afford and has been paying $1,350 a month at a 8.5% rate for his loan
o John's credit score is now above the minimum required 620
o If John can afford $1,350 a month at 8.5% interest, John can easily afford a $1,100 a month payment at 6.5%!

It is much easier to refinance a loan rather than trying to get a loan for the original financing! Since you are already in the house, there is no inspection required, no lengthily closing procedures and there is no longer all that extra red tape that is associated with buying a home with traditional financing!

As you can see, purchasing with Owner Financing can be easily done and quickly closed for those who cannot use a traditional bank loan but deserve to own a home now.


In today's market, due to tough economic times, there are many people selling their properties. Yet, despite the fact that this is a 'buyer's market', it is tougher to buy a home with Traditional Bank Financing than ever before. Following the old, unwritten rules will lead you to a long and unhappy life in an apartment complex. Motivated home seekers looking for their piece of the American Dream are unable to achieve this great promise by traditional and conventional means due to stringent lending requirements initiated by the very same financial institutions that gladly took over 1 billion of our tax dollars to bail them out! Banks tightening up on their lending practices is causing a shortage of homebuyers in the market. This is one of the biggest reasons that real estate values continue to free fall because there are not enough people who can qualify for available homes while following the unwritten rules.

Inspired home seekers, looking to break away from the old rules and ready to write his or her own New Rules to Home Ownership will be able to take advantage of this buyer's market, and with Owner Financing, you will see more and more people purchasing homes. If you are in the market to buy a home however, you cannot qualify for a traditional loan, I strongly recommend you contact a company that specializes in Owner Finance Homes.

Stop drowning in the current economy and create your own American Dream!

If you are interested in buying or selling a home with owner financing, please visit http://www.HippieHollowHomes.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-New-Rule-For-Buying-a-Home---Using-Owner-Financing&id=3639826] The New Rule For Buying a Home - Using Owner Financing

Apartments Condos Homes Renting.   All Rights Reserved.

The New Rule For Buying a Home - Using Owner Financing
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tom_Bukacek/222038]Tom Bukacek 

The American Dream; what does it mean to you? People have different jobs or hobbies or passions in life, but one constant remains the same among all of us, and this common thread that unites our dreams is that of Home Ownership! Unfortunately, in this current economy, achieving the dream of home ownership is becoming more difficult than any time in recent history. Too many Americans are following the unwritten rule of home ownership that tells us to 'Find a Realtor and Get a Bank Loan'. In past economies, with thriving job markets, lower inflation, and less credit restraint, that 'rule' may have made sense to follow.

But our current economic system is making it difficult for the average person to achieve the American Dream of Home Ownership. In times of unstable job markets, with double digit unemployment forcing people to become self-employed to make a living, the banks are requiring a W-2 stable job history in order to issue loans. In times of a great credit crisis, the banks are requiring stricter credit scores than most people are able to achieve. Fewer and fewer honest, hard working Americans who are used to following the 'traditional rules' for owning a home are having the opportunity to own their own homes. 

What if you could achieve the American Dream of Home Ownership without the assistance of a bank?

The purpose of this document is to allow motivated home seekers an opportunity to write a New Rule of Home Ownership that allows you to declare your freedom from the services of a Bank in order to partake in your piece of the American Dream of Home Ownership! 

In order to understand the New Rule of Home Ownership, let's take a closer look at the existing rules of purchasing a house with Traditional Bank Financing. 

The first part of the Traditional Bank Financing focuses on Qualifying for a Loan. While many different loan packages exist, the most common loan written in today's market is an FHA Loan, and therefore, we shall use their guidelines as an example. The following are guidelines for an FHA Loan:

o FHA Loans require a minimum credit score of 620 to be eligible for a loan
o FHA will require 3.5% down on the home. This down payment MUST come from your account. You are not allowed to borrow from friends, family or anyone else. You must document where the funds for the down payment came from. Specifically, the source of the down payment must be from your personal checking, savings or retirement account and CAN NOT be borrowed! 

In order to work with most Realtors, you must first get pre-approved for a bank. Many Realtors won't even show you a house unless you can prove that you are able to afford and receive financing for the property. This painful process of pre-approval from a bank can take 2-3 days and involve the following steps:

o Proof of Creditworthiness 
o You must provide 2-4 years worth of tax returns!
o You must provide your last 4 pay check stubs if you are an employee or an updated Profit and Loss statement if you are self-employed, a business owner, an independent contractor or entrepreneur. However, if you cannot show a consistent pay stub as proof of income, then you may want to skip ahead to the part of this document where 'Owner Financing' is discussed, as you will find it increasingly difficult to qualify for a mortgage.
o Your bank may require you pay off other debit to help improve your credit score to qualify for the loan
o And the worst part... this proof of creditworthiness is done throughout the entire home buying process! Even once you qualify and pick out the home of your dreams; underwriters at the bank will have you go through the same process to make sure you still qualify.

Now that you are pre-qualified for the home of your dreams, you may finally begin the process of working with a Realtor to find your new home.

Once you've found your home, the Traditional Banks will want an inspection performed on the home and may require the seller to fix EVERYTHING for the bank to finance your loan. Some people just want a small discount on the house and they will do their own repairs however, many times a traditional bank will not allow you to do this! These small fixes may add to the total price of the house.

Also, expect to pay Realtor fees, bank fees, filling fees, "point buy down" fees, loan origination fees, closing costs, title fees, surveys, appraisal fees, and anything else imaginable for which to be charged. Though many of these fees can be rolled into your loan, over the long term, you may be paying an extra 10% in unnecessary Financing Fees that are loaded into your loan! 

What if there was a quicker, easier, and less intrusive way to take your share of the American Dream? What if you could look at homes without having to pay a Realtor fee, pre-qualify for a loan, and go through a 3 month home buying process? After all, we ARE in a BUYER'S market in Real Estate, so why shouldn't we be able to buy?

Consider the possibility of declaring a New Rule. Instead of working with (and paying for) a Realtor, why not work with the Seller directly? Especially if that seller is a Professional Real Estate Investor who is not only willing to sell the house in a quick and simple matter, but is also will to FINANCE the sale of the house on a short-term basis!

Earlier in this eBook, we went over the process of the Tradition Bank Financing. Now, we shall detail the 7 Easy Steps of Purchasing Your Home with Owner Financing:
* Contact the Seller of the Home without having to pre-qualify for a loan and look at the home to decide if you want to purchase.
* Settle on a price
* Agree to a down-payment and interest rate
* Once you've agreed to a price, down payment, and interest rate, complete a Deposit to Hold form and pay this 1% fee applicable to the sales price of the property. This fee will take the property off the market while you are closing on the home.
* Fill out credit application; provide 2 most recent paycheck stubs and bank statements as proof that you can afford the monthly payment. 
* (Optional) If you chose, you can order your own home inspection to review the condition of the home 
* Close in 2-5 business days

Buying a home from a Professional Real Estate Investor is quick and easy. Once you have settled on the price and monthly payments, you have minimal paperwork to complete and can close on the transaction within one week! The following is a summary of some of the benefits of Owner Financing compared with Traditional Bank Financing:
* In many cases, there is no minimum credit score required 
* Instead of 10% Traditional Bank Finance Fees / Closing Costs, your Owner Finance Fee averages to 5% of the transaction.
* Unlike Traditional Bank Financing, your down payment for Owner Financing may come from almost anywhere (as long as it is a legal way to raise the funds). You can borrow the money from family, friends, others. There are also some tax incentives for you to use part of your retirement savings. Either way, with Owner Financing, you are allowed to raise your own down payment as you see fit!
* You and the Owner Finance Seller will agree on a time to "close" on the home and may close within 5 business days!
* Your Owner Finance loan is dependent on your down payment and ability to pay the monthly payment and NOT on your credit or having a W-2 Job. Therefore, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Independent Contractors, and the Self-Employed may qualify for Owner Financed Homes!
* You are not required to provide extensive documentation to obtain your loan

Due to the efficiency, simplicity, and cost effectiveness, you can see why buying directly from an investor with Owner Financing is the New Rule for Buying Homes. Owner Financing interest rates may be a little higher than market price when you initially purchase your home, however, this higher rate, along with a sizeable down payment, will actually help you obtain conventional financing at a lower rate down the road when you decide to refinance!

A good way to look at Owner Financing is that is a solution to buying a home with short-term financing. Once you have paid your Owner Financed note on time for say 12-24 months, it's easier to refinance your existing note with a traditional bank loan at a lower interest. It's much quicker, easier, and less intrusive to refinance a home into traditional financing then it is to purchase a home with traditional financing! 

The following example will detail the process and the costs of owner financing:

o John chooses to purchase a beautiful home for $150,000 with a traditional bank loan. John's credit score is 590 and the bank will not loan him any money until his credit score is at least 620. John understands the importance of owning a home and wants to buy something now.
o John finds a home that is being offered for $150,000 with Owner Financing. John has $15,000 to put down and wants to close in 5 business days. John's new loan is at an 8.5% rate for 30 years and the sellers would like John to refinance his loan in 24-36 months. John's monthly payment is $1,350 and it includes Principle, Interest, Insurance, and HOA fees. John is happy because he can afford $1,350 per month and is able to take his part of the American Dream!
o As John pays on time for, say, 24 months, John has an excellent payment history with his current lender. John will also need to be working on his credit in those 24 months to raise his score to the current minimum of 620.
o When John approaches a traditional bank John will be able to demonstrate the following:
o John's $15,000 down payment shows that he has 'skin in the game' and is not just going to bail on his house payments
o John CAN afford and has been paying $1,350 a month at a 8.5% rate for his loan
o John's credit score is now above the minimum required 620
o If John can afford $1,350 a month at 8.5% interest, John can easily afford a $1,100 a month payment at 6.5%!

It is much easier to refinance a loan rather than trying to get a loan for the original financing! Since you are already in the house, there is no inspection required, no lengthily closing procedures and there is no longer all that extra red tape that is associated with buying a home with traditional financing!

As you can see, purchasing with Owner Financing can be easily done and quickly closed for those who cannot use a traditional bank loan but deserve to own a home now. 


In today's market, due to tough economic times, there are many people selling their properties. Yet, despite the fact that this is a 'buyer's market', it is tougher to buy a home with Traditional Bank Financing than ever before. Following the old, unwritten rules will lead you to a long and unhappy life in an apartment complex. Motivated home seekers looking for their piece of the American Dream are unable to achieve this great promise by traditional and conventional means due to stringent lending requirements initiated by the very same financial institutions that gladly took over 1 billion of our tax dollars to bail them out! Banks tightening up on their lending practices is causing a shortage of homebuyers in the market. This is one of the biggest reasons that real estate values continue to free fall because there are not enough people who can qualify for available homes while following the unwritten rules. 

Inspired home seekers, looking to break away from the old rules and ready to write his or her own New Rules to Home Ownership will be able to take advantage of this buyer's market, and with Owner Financing, you will see more and more people purchasing homes. If you are in the market to buy a home however, you cannot qualify for a traditional loan, I strongly recommend you contact a company that specializes in Owner Finance Homes. 

Stop drowning in the current economy and create your own American Dream!

If you are interested in buying or selling a home with owner financing, please visit http://www.HippieHollowHomes.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-New-Rule-For-Buying-a-Home---Using-Owner-Financing&id=3639826] The New Rule For Buying a Home - Using Owner Financingapartments for rent apartments apartments for rent in chicago apartments in houston apartments for rent in nj apartments for rent nyc apartments for rent in miami apartments in austin tx apartments in atlanta apartments in charlotte nc apartments in winston salem nc apartments in greensboro nc apartments for rent apartments in high point nc apartments for rent in greensboro nc apartments in kernersville nc apartments in burlington nc apartments near uncg apartments in charlotte nc apartments in asheboro nc apartments austin apartments at the domain apartments amarillo tx apartments austin tx 78704 apartments arboretum apartments abilene tx apartments austin tx 78745 apartments arlington tx apartments austin tx 78759 apartments all bills paid apartments buda tx apartments bastrop tx apartments baytown tx apartments bee cave 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apartments valencia ca apartments waxahachie tx apartments weatherford tx apartments wylie tx apartments waco tx apartments with garages apartments with yards apartments wichita falls tx apartments west village dallas apartments with attached garages apartments white rock lake apartments xenia ohio apartments xela apartments xiamen apartments xela guatemala apartments xaloc apartments xlendi gozo apartments ximeno long beach apartments xaine sun apartments xian apartments xavier university apartments york pa apartments yuma az apartments yonkers ny apartments ypsilanti apartments youngstown ohio apartments yukon ok apartments yorktown va apartments ypsilanti mi apartments yuba city ca apartments yulee fl apartments zillow apartments zanesville ohio apartments zionsville apartments zebulon nc apartments zephyrhills fl apartments zachary la apartments zeeland mi apartments zion il apartments zurich apartments zona rosa apartments 08060 apartments 02215 apartments 07054 apartments 08901 apartments 08648 apartments 08540 apartments 08003 apartments 08854 apartments 07060 apartments 08641 apartments 183 austin apartments 1431 and parmer apartments 1960 and 45 apartments 1 bedroom apartments 143 apartments 1303 apartments 101 apartments 12 south nashville apartments 14th street dc apartments 19128 apartments 24-7 apartments 28277 apartments 28269 apartments 28262 apartments 28273 apartments 28216 apartments 28210 apartments 21234 apartments 2 bedroom apartments 23112 apartments 30339 apartments 30318 apartments 30324 apartments 30350 apartments 30328 apartments 30329 apartments 30342 apartments 30331 apartments 30319 apartments 30062 apartments 4 all apartments 4 rent apartments 4th ave brooklyn apartments 42nd and 11th apartments 46227 apartments 46268 apartments 46237 apartments 40214 apartments 46260 apartments 46240 apartments 500 rent apartments 55+ apartments 5th avenue new york apartments 55 and older apartments 500 apartments 55104 apartments 500 and under apartments 5th street greenville nc apartments 51st and yale tulsa ok apartments 53225 apartments 63129 apartments 600 and under apartments 63141 apartments 63128 apartments 63146 apartments 64151 apartments 63366 apartments 64118 apartments 63123 apartments 63109 apartments 77070 apartments 77077 apartments 77084 apartments 75287 apartments 77095 apartments 77065 apartments 77007 apartments 77082 apartments 77079 apartments 77042 apartments 85044 apartments 85032 apartments 85308 apartments 85251 apartments 85016 apartments 89123 apartments 89148 apartments 89149 apartments 85254 apartments 85260 apartments 90025 apartments 90210 apartments 92101 apartments 93720 apartments 92129 apartments 90036 apartments 92108 apartments 93722 apartments 92126 apartments 90045 in United States Alabama Auburn Birmingham Dothan Gadsden Huntsville Mobile Montgomery Muscle Shoals Tuscaloosa Alaska Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Kenai Peninsula Arizona Flagstaff/Sedona Mohave County Phoenix Prescott Show Low Sierra Vista Tucson Yuma Arkansas Fayetteville Fort Smith Jonesboro Little Rock California Bakersfield Chico Fresno Humboldt County Imperial County Inland Empire Long Beach Los Angeles Mendocino Merced Modesto Monterey North Bay O.C. Orange County, New York City, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Long Island, Westchester County Leesville, New Llano, Hollywood, Nassau County, Suffolk County, The Hamptons, South Hampton, East Hampton Oakland Palm Springs Palmdale Redding Sacramento San Diego San Fernando Valley San Francisco San Gabriel Valley San Jose San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Santa Maria Siskiyou Stockton Susanville Ventura Visalia Colorado Boulder Colorado Springs Denver Fort Collins Pueblo Rockies Western Slope Connecticut Eastern Connecticut Hartford New Haven Northwest Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Northern Virginia Southern Maryland Washington D.C. Florida Daytona Fort Myers Ft Lauderdale Gainesville Jacksonville Keys Lakeland Miami Ocala Okaloosa Orlando Panama City Pensacola Sarasota Space Coast St. Augustine Tallahassee Tampa Treasure Coast West Palm Beach Georgia Albany Athens Atlanta Augusta Brunswick Columbus Macon Northwest Georgia Savannah Statesboro Valdosta Hawaii Big Island Honolulu Kauai Maui Idaho Boise East Idaho Lewiston Twin Falls Illinois Bloomington Carbondale Chambana Chicago Decatur La Salle County Mattoon Peoria Rockford Springfield Western Illinois Indiana Bloomington Evansville Ft Wayne Indianapolis Kokomo Lafayette Muncie Richmond South Bend Terre Haute Iowa Ames Cedar Rapids Des Moines Dubuque Fort Dodge Iowa City Mason City Ottumwa Quad Cities Sioux City Waterloo Kansas Lawrence Manhattan Salina Topeka Wichita Kentucky Bowling Green Eastern Kentucky Lexington Louisville Owensboro Western Kentucky Louisiana Alexandria Baton Rouge Houma Lafayette Lake Charles Monroe New Orleans Shreveport Maine Maryland Annapolis Baltimore Cumberland Valley Eastern Shore Frederick Western Maryland Massachusetts Boston Cape Cod South Coast Springfield Worcester Michigan Ann Arbor Battle Creek Central Michigan Detroit Flint Grand Rapids Holland Jackson Kalamazoo Lansing Monroe Muskegon Northern Michigan Port Huron Saginaw Southwest Michigan Upper Peninsula Minnesota Bemidji Brainerd Duluth Mankato Minneapolis / St Paul Rochester St. Cloud Mississippi Biloxi Hattiesburg Jackson Meridian Natchez North Mississippi Missouri Columbia/Jeff City Joplin Kansas City Kirksville Lake of the Ozarks Southeast Missouri Springfield St. Joseph St. Louis Montana Billings Bozeman Butte Great Falls Helena Kalispell Missoula Nebraska Grand Island Lincoln North Platte Omaha Scottsbluff Nevada Elko Las Vegas Reno New Hampshire New Jersey Central Jersey Jersey Shore North Jersey South Jersey New Mexico Albuquerque Clovis / Portales Farmington Las Cruces Roswell / Carlsbad Santa Fe New York Albany Binghamton Bronx Brooklyn Buffalo Catskills Chautauqua Elmira Fairfield Finger Lakes Glens Falls Hudson Valley Ithaca Long Island Manhattan Oneonta Plattsburgh Potsdam Queens Rochester Staten Island Syracuse Twin Tiers Utica Watertown Westchester North Carolina Asheville Boone Charlotte Eastern Fayetteville Greensboro Hickory Outer Banks Raleigh Wilmington Winston Salem North Dakota Bismarck Fargo Grand Forks Minot Ohio Akron/Canton Ashtabula Athens Chillicothe Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dayton Huntington/Ashland Lima/Findlay Mansfield Sandusky Toledo Tuscarawas County Youngstown Zanesville/Cambridge Oklahoma Lawton Oklahoma City Stillwater Tulsa Oregon Bend Corvallis East Oregon Eugene Klamath Falls Medford Oregon Coast Portland Roseburg Salem Pennsylvania Allentown Altoona Cumberland Valley Erie Harrisburg Lancaster Meadville Philadelphia Pittsburgh Poconos Reading Scranton State College Williamsport York Rhode Island South Carolina Charleston Columbia Florence Greenville Hilton Head Myrtle Beach South Dakota Aberdeen Pierre Rapid City Sioux Falls Tennessee Chattanooga Clarksville Cookeville Knoxville Memphis Nashville Tri-cities Texas Abilene Amarillo Austin Beaumont Brownsville College Station Corpus Christi Dallas Del Rio Denton El Paso Fort Worth Galveston Houston Huntsville Killeen Laredo Lubbock Mcallen mid cities Odessa San Antonio San Marcos Texarkana Texoma Tyler Victoria Waco Wichita Falls Utah Logan Ogden Provo Salt Lake City St. George Vermont Virginia Charlottesville Chesapeake Danville Fredericksburg Hampton Harrisonburg Lynchburg New River Valley Newport News Norfolk Portsmouth Richmond Roanoke Southwest Virginia Suffolk Virginia Beach Washington Bellingham Everett Moses Lake Mt. Vernon Olympia Pullman Seattle Spokane / Coeur d'Alene Tacoma Tri-cities Wenatchee Yakima West Virginia Charleston Huntington Martinsburg Morgantown Parkersburg Southern West Virginia Wheeling Wisconsin Appleton Eau Claire Green Bay Janesville La Crosse Madison Milwaukee Racine Sheboygan Wausau Wyoming